Nunsc resolution 1540 pdf files

High resolution pdf files are generated from an indd. The beginnings of the resolution first appeared in an address to the general assembly in 2003 by u. United nations sres2250 2015 security council distr general 9 december 2015 resolution 2250 2015 1521698 e 1521698 adopted by the security council at its 7573rd meeting, on. United nations sres1591 2005 security council distr general 29 march 2005 0528789 e 0528789 resolution 1591 2005 adopted by the security council at its 5153rd meeting, on 29 march 2005 the security council, recalling its resolutions 1547 2004 of 11 june 2004, 1556 2004 of 30 july. The results of its deliberations are in the form of recommendations article xi, paragraph 3 that are recorded either in resolutions or in decisions of the conference of the parties. United nations security council resolution 1810 wikipedia. The resolution comes in place when the pdf pages are converted to raster images. Sres1540 2004 security council distr general 28 april 2004 0432843 e 0432843 resolution 1540 2004 adopted by the security council at its 4956th meeting, on 28 april 2004 the security council, affirming that proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, as.

United nations s res2165 2014 security council distr general 14 july 2014 resolution 1457459 e 1457459 2165 2014 adopted by the security council at its 7216th meeting, on. United nations security council resolution 50, adopted unanimously on 27 april 2001, after recalling resolutions 808 1993, 827 1993, 1166 1998 and 29 2000, the council forwarded a list of nominees for permanent judges at the international criminal tribunal for the former yugoslavia icty to the general assembly for consideration the list of 64 nominees proposed by the secretary. In this case, resolution 2250 references the women, peace and security agenda, which deals with the role of women in conflict, the impact of conflict. To assist states in their efforts to implement unscr 1540, canada circulated the nss joint statement at the may 7, 2014 unsc.

At each of its meetings, the conference of the parties to cites considers problems of implementation of the convention and its effectiveness. United nations security council resolution 1540 wikisource. You can add pdf either by clicking button add or dragging them from containing folder to software interface. Cop16 3 b the cites guidelines for transport and preparation for. James martin center for implementing resolution 1540. The full text of resolution 2338 2017 reads as follows. Propositional logic propositional resolution propositional theorem proving unification today were going to talk about resolution, which is a proof strategy. World summit on the information society the general assembly, recognizing the urgent need to harness the potential of knowledge and.

United nations security council resolution 1540 and the. United nations security council resolution 50 wikipedia. It authorized naval forces to enter somali territorial waters to deter and disrupt piracy for a period of six months, and encouraged states to increase and coordinate efforts to counter piracy off the coast of somalia. The resolution filled a gap in international law by addressing the risk. Security council distr general 14 october 2006 0657207 e 0657207 resolution 1718 2006 adopted by the security council at its 5551st meeting, on 14 october 2006 the security council, recalling its previous relevant resolutions, including resolution 825 1993, resolution 1540 2004 and, in particular, resolution 1695 2006, as well as the. Reaffirming that the proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and their delivery means was a threat to international peace and security, the security council today extended for three years the mandate of the committee created to monitor implementation of its resolution 1540 2004, which called on all states to establish domestic controls and adopt legislation to. United nations security council resolution 1540 and the biological weapons convention. Cupitt, export controls and implementing unsc resolution 1540 2004. The intent of resolution 1540 security council resolution 1540 was adopted in april 2004 after months of negotiations regarding the possible ways in which the council could respond to a threat that the traditional wmd treaty regimes have been unable to address adequately. When the pdf page is converted to image, the size of the image is given in pixels, a virtual. United nations security council resolution 8 wikipedia. After five years of the operation of the unsc resolution.

The role of the decolonization committee of the united. The content of this page is provided by our friends at unoy peacebuilders. The adoption of resolution 2250 is their success, and marks the culmination of years of advocacy by civil society. United nations security council resolution 1566, adopted unanimously on 8 october 2004, after reaffirming resolutions 1267 1999, 73 2001 and 1540. United nations security council resolution 1591, adopted on 29 march 2005, after recalling resolutions 1547 2004, 1556 2004, 1564 2004, 1574 2004, 1585 2005, 1588 2005 and 1590 2005 on the situation in sudan, the council placed a travel ban and asset freeze on those impeding the peace process in darfur. Mar 31, 2011 having examined the report of the special committee of six on the transmission of information under article 73 e of the charter, 12 appointed under general assembly resolution 1467 xiv of 12 december 1959 to study the principles which should guide members in determining whether or not an obligation exists to transmit the information called. The resolution establishes the obligations under chapter vii of the united nations charter for all member states to develop and enforce appropriate legal and regulatory measures against the proliferation of chemical, biological, radiological. United nations security council resolution 1540 unscr 1540 unscr 1540 was adopted on 28 april 2004 as a response to the threat to international peace and security caused by the proliferation of biological, chemical and nuclear weapons, as well as their means of delivery, to nonstate actors. Security council resolution 1540 2004 unrcpd united. Resolution 1540, which requires all states to refrain from providing any form of support to nonstate actors seeking, in general terms, to manufacture weapons of. Resolution 2325 2016 builds on resolution 1540 2004 and will facilitate its full and effective implementation.

Implementation in the asia pacific sharon riggle and michael mcginley. Bush, who declared that the united states would be seeking a resolution from the security council to. Aug 18, 2012 gravely concerned by the threat of terrorism and the risk that nonstate actors 1 such as those identified in the united nations list established and maintained by the committee established under security council resolution 1267 and those to whom resolution 73 applies, may acquire, develop, traffic in or use nuclear, chemical and. If you have reached this site from a web link, through your internet options, adjust your privacy settings to allow cookies or. United nations sres1835 2008 security council distr general 27 september 2008 0852512 e 0852512 resolution 1835 2008 adopted by the security council at its 5984th meeting, on 27 september 2008 the security council, taking note of the 15. Security council resolution 1566 2004 on threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts. Since its creation, the mandate of the 1540 committee has been extended on three occasions, via security council resolutions 1673 2006 and 1810 2008, and 1977 2011 respectively. United nations general assembly resolution 1541 wikisource. Adopted unanimously by the security council at its 4956th meeting, on 28 april 2004. The following snapshot is from the software interface. United nation security council resolution 1540 2004.

Regional organizations could play a significant role in helping to implement the resolution. The security council adopts resolution 2325 2016 unanimously on 15 december 2016. Resolution 1540, which requires all states to refrain from providing any form of support to nonstate actors seeking, in general terms, to manufacture weapons of mass destruction wmd and their delivery systems. Resolution 1540 also establishes a committee of the security council, the 1540 committee, whose role is to report on the progress of implementation.

The security council, affirming that proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, as well as their means of delivery, 1 constitutes a threat to international peace and security. Security council resolution 2250 unoy peacebuilders. United nations sres1835 2008 security council distr general 27 september 2008 0852512 e 0852512 resolution 1835 2008 adopted by the security council at its 5984th meeting, on 27 september 2008 the security council, taking note of the 15 september 2008 report by the director general of the. The size of a pdf page is given in points 172 inches or inches, which are real world measure units. By virtue of its universal scope and mandatory nature, resolution 1540 marks a. United nations security council resolution 1540 2004, adopted on 28 april 2004, seeks to prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their delivery systems by nonstate actors.

Nonstate actors and the proliferation of weapons of mass. United nations security council resolution 1540 is a critical tool for preventing nonstate actors from obtaining weapons of mass destruction. United nations security council resolution 1540 and the cbrn security culture the views, opinions, findings, and conclusions expressed in thispresentation are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views, official policy or position of the us government or the 1540 committee. United nations s res2199 2015 security council distr general 12 february 2015 resolution 2199 2015 1501924 e 1501924 adopted by the security council at its 7379th meeting, on. Unscr 2250 a toolkit for youth search for common ground. Th e resolution requires states to refrain from providing any support to nonstate actors across a range of activities. Resolution bonds, including the capital plan bonds, in resolutions nos. Candidate, stanford law school, state that resolution 1540 has the potential to play an important role in forming universally recogn. Resolution 1540 is an unprecedented initiative that holds great promise and achieved much, and the security council committee established pursuant to resolution 1540 has an important role to play in promoting implementation of the resolution.

It is being generated from indesign using the bult in preset highest file size. Under the provisions of this resolution, cape verde, portuguese guinea, sao tome and principe and. On 28 april 2004, the security council passed resolution 1540 on the nonproliferation of weapons of mass destruction. First, well look at it in the propositional case, then in the firstorder case. United nations security council resolution 8, adopted unanimously on 17 july 2000, was the first resolution to address the impact of hivaids worldwide. Affirming that proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, as well as their means of delivery, constitutes a. One of the outcomes of this definition was resolution 1542 xv, adopted also on 15 december 1960, in which all portuguese colonies were qualified as nonselfgoverning territories. The united nations security council resolution 1540 is the first international. The economic and social council considered the draft resolution at its eighteenth session, from 29 june to 6 august 1954.

United nations security council resolution 1540 wikipedia. Reaffirming, in this context, the statement of its president adopted at the councils meeting at the level of. The implementation of resolution 1540 in the middle east sandia. The security council, welcoming the report of the secretarygeneral of 9 january 2017 s201720 on the united nations operation in cyprus, noting that the government of cyprus is agreed that in view of the prevailing conditions on the island it is necessary to keep the united nations peacekeeping force in cyprus unficyp. United nations security council resolution 50, adopted unanimously on 27 april 2001, after recalling resolutions 808 1993, 827 1993, 1166 1998 and 29 2000, the council forwarded a list of nominees for permanent judges at the international criminal tribunal for the former yugoslavia icty to the general assembly for consideration. Pdf files are vector files and they do not have a resolution. United nations security council resolution 1540 2004 unog. United nations security council resolution 1540 adopted by the security council at its 4956th meeting, on 28 april 2004 the security council, affirming that proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, as well as their means of delivery constitutes a threat to international peace and security. It will actually take two lectures to get all the way through this. Council or other governing body to file copy of resolution. United nations security council resolution 1540 was adopted unanimously on 28 april 2004 regarding the nonproliferation of weapons of mass destruction. United nations security council resolution 1540 unscr 1540 unscr 1540 was adopted on 28 april 2004 as a response to the threat to international peace and security caused by the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, as well as their. Criminal offenses and counter proliferation financing washington dc, october 2015.

General assembly distr general 31 january 2002 fiftysixth session agenda item 95 c 01 49183 resolution adopted by the general assembly on the report of the second committee a56558add. So, from that generated file i want to generate a pdf file with a lower resolution. United nations security council resolution 1591 wikipedia. On 29 july 1954, upon the recommendation of its social committee report of the social committee, e2638, the council decided to return the draft resolution to the commission together with the records of the meetings of the. Search for common ground slightly adapted the original.